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Roof Inspection & reports for Insurance renewal

In this video, I show my day at work getting access to roofs so that I can do an inspection of the roof for an insurance report.

What first triggers this of is that most household policies now ask that you have a roof surveyor or a condition report on your roof before they will renew the insurance.

I attend and get access to the roof, take measurements and record the condition so that I can then send you a report on the condition of the roof.

In the roof report, I will discuss what the roofs made out of, how long I think it will last and if it needs any repairs or maintenance. Sometimes I cannot give the roof a clean bill of health as there may be flashings hanging out of the walls or split in the roof covering tiles or missing slates. If this is the case I can always update the report once the works have been undertaken.

One advantage of having me undertake the roof survey is that I will have recorded the problems and sent you relevant information that will make it easier for you to engage a roofer to undertake the repair.


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